Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds  
230030 Grodno, A. Tyzengauz Square, 7

Islet cell protection and erythrocyte stabilization with red cabbage extract in type 1 diabetic rats









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Elena Raduta
+375 15 255 9073
The Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds is looking for users of islet cell protection technology and erythrocyte stabilization with red cabbage extract in rats with type 1 diabetes under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and is looking for partners to conclude an research cooperation agreement.
The protective effect of red cabbage extract (ECC) was studied in rats with streptozotocin diabetes. The effectiveness of the extract in preventing disorders in the structure and functions of erythrocytes, which cause a high risk of developing vascular complications, was evaluated. Under laboratory conditions, ECC was isolated and purified with a high yield of anthocyanins, using ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, 11 anthocyanins were identified, representing 60% of the extracted polyphenols. The administration of ECC improved the morphology of the pancreatic islet apparatus and increased the number of pancreatic β-cells in diabetic rats, reduced their blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and significantly increased the levels of insulin, proinsulin, and C-peptide.

The search for new drugs for the treatment of type 1 diabetes is carried out along the path of developing drugs that protect pancreatic β-cells and reduce the dose of insulin. Vascular complications of type 1 diabetes are closely related to rheological processes caused by the state of blood erythrocytes. In this regard, the search for drugs that protect the pancreatic islet apparatus and stabilize the structure and functions of erythrocytes is relevant.
Advantages and Innovations
Red cabbage extract (ECC) prevents the development of anemia in rats with type 1 diabetes, increases the resistance of erythrocytes to hemolysis, reduces their lectin-induced aggregation, increases the production of reticulocytes and the content of sialic acids in erythrocyte membranes.
Stage of development
Under development/lab tested (TRL4)
Comments regarding stage of development
1. Antidiabetic effect and erythrocyte stabilization by red cabbage extract in streptozotocintreated rats. / V. Buko [et at.] // Food & Function. - 2018. - №9. - P. 1850-1863.
2. Red Cabbage Extract Improve Antioxidative Balance and Functional State of Erythrocytes in Streptozotocine-Induced Diabetes / I. Zavodnik [et at.] / Metabolic syndrome: experiment, clinic, therapy: materials of the III Intern. symp. - 2017. - P. 151-156.
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
Q.86.90 - Other human health activities
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
In the structural subdivisions of the institute, research is carried out in the field of vitaminology, the study of molecular mechanisms of regulation of metabolism in normal and pathological conditions, the biochemistry of alcohol and drug addiction, neurochemistry and pharmacology.

The main activities are as follows: conducting fundamental and applied research aimed at studying the mechanisms of pathogenesis of diseases of the liver, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, alcohol dependence, pathological conditions associated with a deficiency of essential micronutrients and the effects of stress, in order to develop methods for their prevention, diagnosis and therapy; development of new innovative medicines, vitamin preparations, dietary supplements, as well as the development of methods for the isolation and purification of biologically active compounds from herbal medicinal raw materials, the development of their laboratory production for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

The Institute has developed unique technologies for obtaining dry extracts from medicinal plant materials and spicy-aromatic plants for use as components:
- in the production of dietary supplements,
- in the food industry,
- in the production of perfumery.

Production under the order of products of deep processing and purification of extracts from vegetable raw materials for use as analytical standards is possible.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Research cooperation agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers of islet cell protection and erythrocyte stabilization technology with red cabbage extract in type 1 diabetic rats based on a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Partners to conclude an research cooperation agreement.

Partners interested in acquiring islet cell protection and erythrocyte stabilization technology with red cabbage extract in type 1 diabetic rats under a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Partners interested in concluding an research cooperation agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


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Statistics since 03.03.2022 15:25:57