Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry  
220108 Minsk, Kazinets str. 90

Technologies for managing the productivity of agricultural crops, regulating the reserves of organic matter, the degree of acidity, the content of phosphorus and potassium in soils









Linked profile in other language
Natalia Zhabrovskaia
+375 29 371 3754
The Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry offers consumers technologies for managing the productivity of agricultural crops, regulating the reserves of organic matter, the degree of acidity, the content of phosphorus and potassium in soils on the basis of an outsourcing agreement.
Ensuring the sustainability of agroecosystems, reducing the risk of loss of crop production and reproduction of soil fertility through the integrated use of new forms of complex macro- and micronutrient fertilizers, techniques for improving the agrochemical properties of soils. Creation of 6 new forms of complex fertilizers with the addition of microelements and plant growth regulators for the main application to the soil and foliar dressing for soils with different levels of fertility (for corn and legumes, as well as compositions for incrustation of seeds of these crops, 4 new forms of liquid micronutrient fertilizers on a chelate basis containing microelements in chelated and organomineral form with the addition of a growth regulator (for legumes (MicroStim-Cobalt; MicroStim-Cobalt, Bor) and winter wheat (MicroStim-Copper; Molibden; MicroStim-Copper, Manganese)).
Advantages and Innovations
Increase in the productivity of arable land by 10..15 c / ha c.units, payback of mineral fertilizers 9..10 c.u / kg NPK. Return on costs 1: 7 invested. These technologies contribute to an increase in the yield of agricultural crops for the fodder base of animal husbandry, which ensures an increase in the yield of milk and meat and, as a result, will contribute to the expansion of the export potential of the agricultural complex.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Comments regarding stage of development
TU BY 100079183.008-2009 dated 01.09.2009 "Mineral fertilizers containing several nutrients", changes No. 2 of TU; TU BY 100079183.009-2009 of 15.02.2010 "Complex fertilizers for perennial and annual grasses, legumes and legumes, vegetables and green plantings", changes No. 2 TU; TU BY 100079183.006-2008 dated 06.11.2008 "Microfertilizers with a biostimulator" MicroStim ""
IPR status
Patents granted
Comments regarding IPS status
Patent RB No. 13573 "Composition for obtaining concentrated liquid cobalt fertilizer for foliar feeding of leguminous crops".
Sector group

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
A.01.50 - Mixed farming
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute organizes advertising of its scientific developments and assistance in their implementation in the agro-industrial complex, prompt and full provision of specialists with scientific information. The results of activities at international and republican exhibitions are constantly demonstrated, international scientific and practical conferences are organized, in which scientists from leading scientific institutions abroad take part.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Outsourcing agreement
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


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Statistics since 02.09.2021 18:26:44