Institute of Genetics and Cytology  
220072 Minsk, Academic St. 27

Bacterial preparation "Profibact-phyto"









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Margarita Bortnik
The Institute of Genetics and Cytology offers consumers the bacterial preparation "Profibact-phyto" to combat root rot of cucumber and green crops under a manufacturing agreement, or the acquisition of trademark rights under a license agreement and is looking for partners to conclude a distribution services agreement.
The bacterial preparation "Profibact-phyto" is designed to combat root rot of cucumber and green crops. The drug is environmentally friendly, its effectiveness is superior or comparable to other biopesticides, while differing in lower consumption rates. "PROFIBACT-PHYTO" has been implemented since 2012 and has proven itself well in the greenhouses of the republic. The regulations for the use of the drug are adapted to the technology of cultivation of cucumber and green crops in closed ground (mineral wool and soil).

The bacterial preparation is recommended:
• to combat cucumber root rot when grown in soil or on mineral wool (hydroponics) in stationary and film greenhouses;
• to combat root and basal rot of tomatoes in protected ground (mineral wool);
• to combat root rot of green crops in flow hydroponics.

The basis of the drug Profibact-phyto:
- Phyto - a mixture of strains of rhizospheric bacteria Bacillus sp. BB58-3 (Group B.
amyloliquefaciens - B. subtilis) and Pseudomonas aurantiaca B-162/255.17. The bacteria included in the preparation are antagonists of a wide range of plant pathogens of fungal and bacterial etiology. The selected combination of active strains in the composition of the preparation ensures high efficiency of biological protection and a balanced growth-stimulating effect on plants.

Detailed information can be found here. (Catalogue of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus "Applied Developments").

The drug is produced according to the requests of JSC "Bobruisk Plant of Biotechnologies".
Advantages and Innovations
In production tests, the biological effectiveness of protecting cucumber from a complex of root rots using the PROFIBACT-PHYTO preparation is 60.8 ... 63.3%. The drug helps to increase the resistance of plants to peronosporosis (biological efficiency - 36.3 ... 63.4%) and other fungal and bacterial infections that affect the vegetative parts of plants. The yield of cucumber as a result of the use of the drug increases by 18 ... 24%. The biological effectiveness of protection against root rot of green crops (dill, parsley) under flow hydroponics is 70...81%.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
A.01.62 - Support activities for animal production
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Q.86.90 - Other human health activities
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
Main areas of research:

– Study of the structural and functional organization of the genomes of plants, animals, humans and microorganisms;
– Studying the problems of genetic and cellular engineering;
– Development of genetic bases for breeding plants, animals and microorganisms;
– Creation of genomic technologies for agriculture, healthcare, sports, environmental protection;
– Study of biosafety issues;
– Provision of services for DNA marking and DNA certification of plants, animals, humans and microorganisms;
– Collection and preservation of unique DNA samples as sources of valuable genetic information;
– Monitoring of the genetic resources of the Republic of Belarus, promotion of access to genetic resources and benefit sharing;
– Provision of services for determining the content of genetically modified ingredients in food raw materials and food products.

International agreements on scientific partnership have been concluded with the Medical Genetic Research Center (Russia), the Estonian Biocenter (Estonia), the Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland), the National Institute of Biology of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia, Institute of Plant Genetic Resources “K. Malkov”, Sadovo of Agricultural Academy (Bulgaria), Ivane Beritashvili Center for Experimental Biomedicine (Georgia), Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS (Russia), etc.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
License agreement
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing the bacterial preparation "Profibact-phyto" to combat root rot of cucumber and green crops under a manufacturing agreement, or acquiring trademark rights under a license agreement.

Partners interested in purchasing the bacterial preparation "Profibact-phyto" to combat root rot of cucumber and green crops under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


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Statistics since 07.07.2023 14:31:42