Institute of Land Reclamation  
220040, Minsk, Nekrasov street, 39-2

Automated system for designing the construction and reconstruction of reclamation systems









Linked profile in other language
Tamara Sviridovich
The Institute of Land Reclamation offers consumers a technology for the layout of the structure of the reclamation network and design calculations using an automated design system for the construction and reconstruction of reclamation systems using GIS technologies under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and is looking for partners interested in research and technical cooperation agreements.
The system of computer-aided design for the construction and reconstruction of reclamation facilities developed on the basis of GIS is based on the use of digital models of the relief of the reclamation area in the implementation of the layout of the structure of the reclamation network and design calculations.

The system makes it possible to determine the hydrological and hydrographic characteristics of surface runoff at a qualitatively new level, which ensures the choice of more reasonable design solutions. Specialized GIS applications implement automated design of the reclamation network on an electronic map, the construction of longitudinal and transverse profiles, the possibility of generating and printing drawing and graphic project documentation on paper.
Advantages and Innovations
The system provides a choice of cost-effective solutions due to the spatial differentiation of the causes (elements) of an unsatisfactory reclamation state and the implementation of multivariate calculations based on them, which make it possible to exclude the previously accepted excessive "factors" of the network parameters for drainage, which also reduces the impact of reclamation on adjacent lands. The use of modern information technologies provides an increase in the intellectualization of design work, the efficiency of design.
Stage of development
Field tested/evaluated (TRL8)
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group
ICT Industry & Services

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
M.71.20 - Technical testing and analysis
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Land Reclamation provides scientific support for the use of more than 4.5 million hectares of agricultural land, including 2.9 million hectares of drained land and 1.6 million hectares of meadow lands with a natural water regime.

Main directions of scientific and scientific-technical activity:
- Development of highly efficient energy and resource-saving technologies and design solutions for the construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of reclamation systems, management of the water-air regime of reclaimed lands and irrigation.
- Development of highly efficient energy and resource-saving technologies and design solutions for the construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of reclamation systems, management of the water-air regime of reclaimed lands.
- Modeling and integrated monitoring of reclaimed areas and the environment with
using modern methods of diagnostics, computer technologies, geographic information systems and databases for information support to support the adoption of environmentally and economically efficient decisions in the planning and design of land reclamation measures and the use of reclaimed lands.
- Creation of highly efficient zonal farming systems on reclaimed lands, ensuring the rational use of land resources and the sustainable functioning of natural systems.
- Development of economically and environmentally sound technologies for intensifying the use of hayfields and pastures, including grass seed production.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Research cooperation agreement
Technical cooperation agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in applying the technology for laying out the structure of the reclamation network and design calculations using an automated design system for the construction and reconstruction of reclamation systems using GIS technologies under a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Partners interested in reseaech and technical cooperation agreements.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


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Statistics since 29.04.2022 13:04:47