Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry  
220072 Minsk, Surganova St. 9/1

Environmentally friendly sealing materials based on anionic bitumen emulsions









Linked profile in other language
Ludmila Ovseenko
+375 17 281 6323
The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry offers consumers environmentally friendly sealing materials from anionic bitumen emulsions on the basis of a production agreement, is looking for partners to conclude a distribution service agreement or a joint venture agreement.
Waterproofing materials based on aqueous bitumen dispersions meet modern environmental safety requirements. Compared with traditional solvent-borne materials, they have a number of valuable advantages, the main one of which is the absence of volatile organic solvents, which provides more favorable working conditions, reduces the requirements for fire and explosion hazards in premises. Modification of anionic bitumen emulsions with various aqueous dispersions of polymers, special additives of polyfunctional action allows the development of formulations of highly effective waterproofing compositions with specified performance characteristics, adapted to specific application technologies. A waterproofing system for cold airless application using catalyst reagents has been developed, which ensures the rapid formation of a protective seamless coating of any thickness and configuration.

The performance characteristics of a waterproofing coating based on anionic bitumen-latex emulsions have high water resistance, adhesion to a concrete surface over 0.51 MPa, elongation in tension over 322 %, strength 0.23 MPa, and the ability to regain its shape, as well as flexibility with negative temperatures of -25 °C and resistance to high temperatures up to + 90 °C.
Advantages and Innovations
The advantages of using bitumen emulsions in comparison with traditional waterproofing materials are:
* environmental safety due to the absence of organic solvents in their composition, which reduces toxicity and explosion hazard and provides more favorable working conditions when using them;
* energy efficiency is ensured due to the lack of pre-heating, which reduces the requirements for the fire hazard of the premises in which the work is carried out;
* high productivity of construction work due to the mechanized method of application to the protected surface 1 person in 8 hours can apply a coating to an area of ​​up to 400 m2;
* fast formation of waterproofing coating and ease of application;
* creation of reliable and durable waterproofing due to the formation of a uniform seamless coating with a thickness of 3 to 8 mm;
* does not require special preparation of the protected surface;
* applied to the surface of any geometric shape and configuration;
* for the production of bitumen emulsions, domestic raw materials and materials are used: bitumen, emulsifier, plasticizer;
* industrial production of anionic bitumen emulsions can be organized on equipment for the production of cationic bitumen emulsions for road construction.
Stage of development
Field tested/evaluated (TRL8)
Comments regarding stage of development
Installation of a waterproofing cold membrane on a pavement with subsequent laying of hot asphalt concrete on modified bitumen.
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Patents granted
Secret know-how
Comments regarding IPS status
Patent RB No. 18353.
Sector group
Sustainable Construction

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
C.20.59 - Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments

Development of technologies of poly-mineral potassium and phosphate ores processing, conversion methods of potassium sulfate fabrication, technologies of sylvinite ores enrichment, and improvement of the mineral fertilizers quality.

Development of initial data and substantiation of technological approaches for the organization of new ore-mining and processing production facilities. Engineering support of technological projects on the creation of new large-tonnage production facilities for processing of mineral salts and minor products.

Justification of production engineering of the mineral fertilizers - complex, water-holding, containing microelements and stimulators of plant growth. Development of modifying additives and hydrophobic compositions for the small-disperse chemical products agglomeration, technologies of granulated materials by rolling and pressing methods.

Regulation of structure formation of the oil and organic-mineral dispersions, its thermodynamic and aggregate stability by chemical reagents to create new effective modifiers and composite materials for the application in road construction technologies and oil-processing industry.

Creation of new inorganic adsorbents, catalytically active and membrane materials for water-preparation and purification of liquid media, new composite, and hybrid materials – photo-catalysts, bio-inorganic materials, special materials for chemical protection of securities and documents against fraud.

Adsorption modification of the surface, flocculation, and stabilization in heterogenic salt disperse systems by water-soluble polymers in the processing of mineral ores, water purification, and water preparation, development of compositions of the inorganic coagulants and polymer flocculants for the wastewaters purification, and clay-salt dispersions dehydration.

Development of new chemical additives – plasticizers, hydrophobic agents, regulators of hardening of concrete and construction mixtures, sealing, waterproofing, anti-corrosion materials for concrete and metal structures (water –emulsion, powder, thermo-resistant pigments, superhydrophobic and super hydrophilic, corrosion-protective coatings).
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Joint venture agreement
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Customers interested in purchasing environmentally friendly sealing materials from anionic bitumen emulsions based on a manufacturing agreement.

Distributors interested in purchasing environmentally friendly sealing materials from anionic bitumen emulsions under a distribution services agreement.

Partners interested in setting up a joint venture for the production of environmentally friendly sealing materials from anionic bitumen emulsions.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10


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Statistics since 30.12.2021 12:51:53