Institute of Metal Technology  
212030 Mogilev, Bialynitskaga-Biruli Str. 11

Aluminium-silicon alloy for tribological applications









Alena Patuk
+375 22 264 0699
Institute of Metal Technology developed a method to manufacture silumin with silicon particles of globular form. The properties of such aluminium-silicon alloy allow it to replace bronze in tribological applications improving the wear resistance 2 to 3 times. The institute is looking for industrial partners for manufacturing agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Bronze has best wear resistance against steel under load (when it is impossible to use plastics). Due to rising prices of copper the bronze is getting expensive. The industry requires a suitable replacement. Aluminium-silicon alloys (silumina) are now widely used in the industry for different applications. Conventionally cast silumina have silicon particles in lamellar form which make them brittle. To improve the structure and properties of silumina modifiers are being used (Sodium, Strontium, etc.).

Institute of Metal Technology developed a method and equipment to produce billets of silumin where silicon particles have a convex (globular) form. In tribological applications such form acts as bearings, and also improve silumin ductility.

Mechanical properties of the silumin with globular silicon particles:
* tensile strength 350..400 MPa
* elongation 2..4%
* hardness 120..150 HB
* density 2,65..2,68 g/cm3.

Parts made from silumin with globular silicon particles can replace bronze parts in same tribological applications (against steel) additionally improving wear resistance 2 to 3 times. The globular form of silicon in alloy is hereditable (recycled/molded parts have the same properties as original/billets).

The method to manufacture silumin with globular silicon particles requires developed in the institute rapid crystallizer. High crystallization rate also means higher production. At present, equipment of the institute's pilot production plant include:
* continuous horizontal casting of solid billets with diameter 40..85 mm
* casting of end-length solid billets with diameter up to 200 mm, height up to 150 mm
* centrifugal casting of hollow billets with an outer diameter from 90 to 320 mm, length up to 150 mm.

In order to transfer the technology into the European and other markets the institute offers to interested industrial partners:
* billets from silumin with globular silicon particles under manufacturing agreement (small batches from available production range);
* equipment to make silumin billets with globular silicon particles under a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Advantages and Innovations
The Al-Si alloy (silumin) with globular silicon particles replaces bronze in steel/bronze friction pair improving durability 2 to 3 times (better than aluminium bronzes).

The microstructure of the alloy is hereditary (recycled/molded parts have the same properties as original/billets) since modifiers are not used.

Compared to conventionally cast silumina which have silicon particles in lamellar from, silumin with silicon particles in globular form can be processed also by deformation methods.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Comments regarding stage of development
Industry tested in Belarus and Russia.
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Secret know-how
Sector group
Aeronautics, Space and Dual-Use Technologies
Maritime Industry and Services

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
C.24.42 - Aluminium production
C.24.53 - Casting of light metals
C.24.54 - Casting of other non-ferrous metals
Turnover (in EUR)
< 1M
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The institute was founded in 1970 and conducts research in the fields of strength and wear-resistance of metals and alloys, develops technological processes end equipment for manufacturing new cast alloys.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Industrial partner to place order for billets from silumin with globular silicon particles for manufacturing purposes under manufacturing agreement.

Industrial partner to acquire equipment for making silumin billets with globular silicon particles for selling them on the local market or integrate into production under commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10


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Statistics since 07.02.2021 21:01:35