Technological features of the use of fertilizers for spring grain crops
2023-10-12LAST UPDATE
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Natalia Zhabrovskaia
+375 29 371 3754
+375 29 371 3754
The Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry offers consumers recommendations for the effective use of fertilizers for spring sowing crops “Technological features of the use of fertilizers for spring grain crops” under an outsourcing agreement and is looking for partners interested in concluding a distribution services agreement.
In shaping the yield of agricultural crops, the level of achieved soil fertility and the application of mineral fertilizers, differentiated by taking into account the state of agrochemical indicators of soils, are of decisive importance.
It is very important in the fertilizer application system to follow the recommended doses and ratios of mineral nutrition elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. For a number of reasons, it can be difficult to meet these requirements in practice. This issue can be resolved through the widespread use, instead of simple forms, of complex forms of mineral fertilizers, balanced in composition, taking into account the biological characteristics of individual crops or groups of crops. Such forms of fertilizers were developed by scientists from the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry together with the Belarusian State Technological University, and industrial production is carried out at the Gomel Chemical Plant. The widespread use of complex mineral fertilizers can be a breakthrough that will help to significantly increase the efficiency, productivity, and quality of crops without increasing the overall need for mineral fertilizers.
The main dose of nitrogen, as well as phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is applied in the spring in calculated doses for the planned yield; they should be embedded to a depth of 10-12 cm.
The optimal doses of nitrogen fertilizers for spring grain crops are 60-90 kg/ha a.i. A one-time application of nitrogen at a dose of 90 kg/ha in years with sufficient soil moisture, as a rule, causes lodging of plants. Therefore, if the calculated doses exceed 60 kg/ha a.i., then they must be applied fractionally - 60 kg/ha a.i. nitrogen before sowing, and the rest - as fertilizing during the phase of beginning to emerge into the tube. When using complex mineral fertilizers 60 kg/ha a.i. nitrogen will be added at one time along with calculated doses of phosphorus and potassium. When using simple forms of mineral fertilizers for spring grain crops, the best ones are UAN, amorphous, and potassium chloride.
When applying UAN, nitrogen is applied with the greatest degree of uniformity compared to solid forms of nitrogen fertilizers. Of the solid forms of nitrogen fertilizers for the pre-sowing application of spring grains, it is necessary to use urea, because, at the same time, it is embedded in the soil, which makes it possible to reduce or completely eliminate gaseous nitrogen losses.
On well-cultivated soils with a high content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, when planning a spring wheat grain yield of more than 60 c/ha, the dose of nitrogen fertilizers can be increased to 120-130 kg/ha a.i. and apply 20-30 kg/ha a.i. additionally when a flag sheet appears. However, in this case, the use of retardants must be mandatory.
At the first node stage, it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding of spring grain crops with copper and manganese fertilizers in chelated form in doses of 50 g/ha a.i.
Recommendations “Effectively apply fertilizers for spring sowing crops” can be downloaded here. (in Russian).
It is very important in the fertilizer application system to follow the recommended doses and ratios of mineral nutrition elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. For a number of reasons, it can be difficult to meet these requirements in practice. This issue can be resolved through the widespread use, instead of simple forms, of complex forms of mineral fertilizers, balanced in composition, taking into account the biological characteristics of individual crops or groups of crops. Such forms of fertilizers were developed by scientists from the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry together with the Belarusian State Technological University, and industrial production is carried out at the Gomel Chemical Plant. The widespread use of complex mineral fertilizers can be a breakthrough that will help to significantly increase the efficiency, productivity, and quality of crops without increasing the overall need for mineral fertilizers.
The main dose of nitrogen, as well as phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is applied in the spring in calculated doses for the planned yield; they should be embedded to a depth of 10-12 cm.
The optimal doses of nitrogen fertilizers for spring grain crops are 60-90 kg/ha a.i. A one-time application of nitrogen at a dose of 90 kg/ha in years with sufficient soil moisture, as a rule, causes lodging of plants. Therefore, if the calculated doses exceed 60 kg/ha a.i., then they must be applied fractionally - 60 kg/ha a.i. nitrogen before sowing, and the rest - as fertilizing during the phase of beginning to emerge into the tube. When using complex mineral fertilizers 60 kg/ha a.i. nitrogen will be added at one time along with calculated doses of phosphorus and potassium. When using simple forms of mineral fertilizers for spring grain crops, the best ones are UAN, amorphous, and potassium chloride.
When applying UAN, nitrogen is applied with the greatest degree of uniformity compared to solid forms of nitrogen fertilizers. Of the solid forms of nitrogen fertilizers for the pre-sowing application of spring grains, it is necessary to use urea, because, at the same time, it is embedded in the soil, which makes it possible to reduce or completely eliminate gaseous nitrogen losses.
On well-cultivated soils with a high content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, when planning a spring wheat grain yield of more than 60 c/ha, the dose of nitrogen fertilizers can be increased to 120-130 kg/ha a.i. and apply 20-30 kg/ha a.i. additionally when a flag sheet appears. However, in this case, the use of retardants must be mandatory.
At the first node stage, it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding of spring grain crops with copper and manganese fertilizers in chelated form in doses of 50 g/ha a.i.
Recommendations “Effectively apply fertilizers for spring sowing crops” can be downloaded here. (in Russian).
Advantages and Innovations
The system for applying fertilizers to agricultural crops, developed by the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry and implemented in annual plans for the use of fertilizers, provides for a reduction in doses of mineral fertilizers on soils with a higher content of phosphorus and potassium at the same planned yield.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Secret know-how
Sector group
Organization information
R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
A.01.50 - Mixed farming
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry is the only scientific and methodological center in the republic for soil and agrochemical research, responsible for the development of theoretical and applied aspects of the protection and reproduction of soil fertility. Soil and agrochemical research of the institute determines the long-term perspective for the work of the agricultural authorities of the republic in the field of effective use of soil resources, preservation and increase of their fertility, and effective use of chemicalization means.
The main directions of scientific and scientific-technical activities of the organization are:
- rational use of soil resources, assessment and reproduction of soil fertility;
- monitoring of soil fertility, optimization of agrochemical properties of soils;
- development of effective resource-saving technologies for the use of macro- and microfertilizers for agricultural crops;
- agrochemical methods for improving the quality of crop products, balanced in chemical composition and content of microelements;
- development of new forms of environmentally acceptable complex fertilizers and biological preparations, balanced in composition, taking into account the properties of soils and the biological characteristics of agricultural crops;
- development of an energy-saving system for the protection of arable soils in areas prone to water and wind erosion and comprehensive soil protection organization of the territory;
- a study of the composition and properties of soils, patterns of their distribution, classification, diagnostics, mapping, and cadastral assessment;
- study of agrophysical properties and biological activity of soils, development of methods for their improvement. Creation of a data bank of agrophysical properties of soils in Belarus;
- study of patterns of manifestation and monitoring of erosion processes on arable soils, development of techniques for the rational use of eroded and erosion-hazardous soils. Design of anti-erosion systems in different landscape zones;
- monitoring the state of soil fertility in the Republic of Belarus and developing comprehensive agrochemical measures to improve it. Creation of a data bank of agrochemical properties of soils in Belarus;
- study of the biological properties of the main soil varieties depending on the levels of application of chemicalization agents and the development of methods for increasing them;
- study of the humus regime of soils, the intensity of humification and mineralization processes at various doses of organic fertilizers;
- study of the balance of macro- and microelements in the main soil varieties in stationary lysimetric experiments;
- development of resource-saving technologies for the use of organic, mineral macro- and microfertilizers for agricultural crops for the main soil varieties based on the principles of preserving and increasing soil fertility;
- development of new forms of complex macro- and microfertilizers for agricultural crops and recommendations for their effective use;
- assessment of the quality of plant products depending on the condition of the soil and the agricultural technologies used.
Since 1967, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the institute became a methodological developer of radiological surveys of soils in areas contaminated with radionuclides.
The institute has created a computer data bank of agrochemical properties of soils, in which, since 1980, data on the state of agrochemical indicators has been accumulated, which are updated in accordance with the rounds of large-scale agrochemical surveys of soils. The data bank is used to evaluate the results of an agrochemical survey of soils, develop plans for the use of fertilizers for agricultural crops in fields and working areas, design estimates for liming acidic soils, and measures to increase soil fertility.
The main directions of scientific and scientific-technical activities of the organization are:
- rational use of soil resources, assessment and reproduction of soil fertility;
- monitoring of soil fertility, optimization of agrochemical properties of soils;
- development of effective resource-saving technologies for the use of macro- and microfertilizers for agricultural crops;
- agrochemical methods for improving the quality of crop products, balanced in chemical composition and content of microelements;
- development of new forms of environmentally acceptable complex fertilizers and biological preparations, balanced in composition, taking into account the properties of soils and the biological characteristics of agricultural crops;
- development of an energy-saving system for the protection of arable soils in areas prone to water and wind erosion and comprehensive soil protection organization of the territory;
- a study of the composition and properties of soils, patterns of their distribution, classification, diagnostics, mapping, and cadastral assessment;
- study of agrophysical properties and biological activity of soils, development of methods for their improvement. Creation of a data bank of agrophysical properties of soils in Belarus;
- study of patterns of manifestation and monitoring of erosion processes on arable soils, development of techniques for the rational use of eroded and erosion-hazardous soils. Design of anti-erosion systems in different landscape zones;
- monitoring the state of soil fertility in the Republic of Belarus and developing comprehensive agrochemical measures to improve it. Creation of a data bank of agrochemical properties of soils in Belarus;
- study of the biological properties of the main soil varieties depending on the levels of application of chemicalization agents and the development of methods for increasing them;
- study of the humus regime of soils, the intensity of humification and mineralization processes at various doses of organic fertilizers;
- study of the balance of macro- and microelements in the main soil varieties in stationary lysimetric experiments;
- development of resource-saving technologies for the use of organic, mineral macro- and microfertilizers for agricultural crops for the main soil varieties based on the principles of preserving and increasing soil fertility;
- development of new forms of complex macro- and microfertilizers for agricultural crops and recommendations for their effective use;
- assessment of the quality of plant products depending on the condition of the soil and the agricultural technologies used.
Since 1967, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the institute became a methodological developer of radiological surveys of soils in areas contaminated with radionuclides.
The institute has created a computer data bank of agrochemical properties of soils, in which, since 1980, data on the state of agrochemical indicators has been accumulated, which are updated in accordance with the rounds of large-scale agrochemical surveys of soils. The data bank is used to evaluate the results of an agrochemical survey of soils, develop plans for the use of fertilizers for agricultural crops in fields and working areas, design estimates for liming acidic soils, and measures to increase soil fertility.
Languages spoken
Information about partnership
Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing recommendations for the effective use of fertilizers for spring sowing crops "Technological features of the use of fertilizers for spring grain crops" under an outsourcing agreement.
Partners interested in purchasing recommendations for the effective use of fertilizers for spring sowing crops "Technological features of the use of fertilizers for spring grain crops" under a distribution services agreement.
Partners interested in purchasing recommendations for the effective use of fertilizers for spring sowing crops "Technological features of the use of fertilizers for spring grain crops" under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor
Views: 984
Statistics since 12.10.2023 17:38:06
Statistics since 12.10.2023 17:38:06