Scientific and Production Centre for Multifunctional Unmanned Systems  
220141 Minsk, Kuprevicha str. 10/7

Manufacture and supply of unmanned aircraft systems for ecological terrain monitoring based on airship «UAS EM»









Linked profile in other language
Maryia Maksimava
+375 17 397 0090
«Scientific and Production Centre for Multifunctional Unmanned Systems» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus offers consumers unmanned aircraft systems for ecological terrain monitoring based on airship «UAS EM» under a manufacturing agreement and is looking for partners interested in distribution services agreement.
«Scientific and Production Centre for Multifunctional Unmanned Systems» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus manufactures unmanned aircraft systems «UAS EM» designed for detailed monitoring of terrain and objects, including in dense forest vegetation through the crowns of trees, tracking mobile and stationary objects from the UAV and transmitting the received information via radio channel to a ground control station ( GCS) and other remote consumers when working on a time scale close to real time.

The «UAS EM» unmanned aircraft systems is equipped with combined gyrostabilized video, photo, IR cameras and other target loads, which allows for detailed monitoring at travel speeds from 0 to 40 km/h and a range of up to 50 km in daylight and dark.

The composition of the complex:
* UAV based on airship;
* control station;
* spare parts kit;
* technical means of support;
* module of receiving-transmitting equipment;
* standard payload kit (gyro-stabilized video, photo, infrared or multispectral camera or combined TV and IR modules).

Parameter «UAS EM» Type 1 «UAS EM» Type 2
Power plant 2-4 electric engines IC engine, 2 pcs.
Maximum take-off weight, kg 23..30 and more 75
Shell length, m 8,7 12,7
Shell diameter, m 2,25..2,63 3,19
Flight speed range, km/h 0..40 0..40
Maximum flight altitude, m 500 500
Distance of the radio channel, km 50 50
Flight time, h up to 4 up to 6
Maximum target load weight, kg up to 1,5 5,0

It is possible to implement a «UAS EM» with a shell of any length and diameter.

Areas of application:
* fight against poaching;
* detect emergency situations;
* monitoring of agricultural land;
* shooting video films and natural landscapes;
* control of power lines and the state of the atmosphere;
* solving problems of land cadastre and mapping;
* control of the state border, including continuous forest areas;
* monitoring the state of territories wh ere oil and gas pipelines run;
* rental of advertising on the sides of the airship, etc.

«Scientific and Production Centre for Multifunctional Unmanned Systems» offers partners:
* unmanned aircraft systems for ecological terrain monitoring based on airship «UAS EM» under a manufacturing agreement;
* unmanned aircraft systems for ecological terrain monitoring based on airship «UAS EM» under a distribution services agreement.

Catalog of products and services «Scientific and Production Centre for Multifunctional Unmanned Systems» p.6 (in Russian).
Advantages and Innovations
Unmanned aircraft systems for ecological terrain monitoring «UAS EM» are similar to products of companies:
OJSC «Dolgoprudnenskoe Design Bureau of Automatics» (Russian Federation);
«Challenger Aerospace & Defense, Inc» (USA);
«Tachen Innovation Co., Ltd» (China);
«Hemeria» (France).
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group
Aeronautics, Space and Dual-Use Technologies

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
J.62.0 - Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
J.62.09 - Other information technology and computer service activities
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Republican Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Production Centre for Multifunctional Unmanned Systems" of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the leading enterprise of the Republic of Belarus in the development and production of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) designed for:
* performing surveillance, reconnaissance and data collection (with the receipt of video information, including in the infrared range, in high resolution);
* conducting aircraft photography;
* retransmission of radio signals;
* use in scientific research;
* transportation of goods.

Unmanned aircraft vehicles manufactured by the enterprise are capable of performing photo, video, infrared or multispectral shooting of terrain and objects using optical systems installed on a gyro-stabilized platform, in daylight and at night. A wide range of target load capabilities and high aerodynamic qualities of aircraft make it possible to use them for reconnaissance, control of the state border, detection of emergencies, control of the state of territories where oil and gas pipelines pass, combating poaching, counting animals, monitoring vehicle flows on the roads ( with automatic tracking of objects), monitoring the condition of power lines and agricultural land, etc.

Unmanned aircraft vehicles "Busel M" are effectively used in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, including for monitoring and assessing the state of objects (natural, man-made) in order to increase the speed of response to emergencies, their detection, elimination and prevention.

The enterprise, in accordance with the terms of reference of the Customer, can carry out a wide range of scientific research using unmanned aerial vehicles.

The unmanned aircraftl vehicles of the Center have the following advantages:
* increased communication range;
* modern target loads (TV, IR-cameras with a laser rangefinder, photo cameras), high-resolution shooting;
* automatic tracking of a moving object;
* simplicity and reliability of operation;
* all-weather, resistance to strong wind;
* the possibility of installing additional equipment;
* Possibility of modernization according to customer requirements.
* low visual, thermal and acoustic visibility;
* resistance to interference, "anti-spoofing", secure communication channels, work in conditions of temporary lack of GPS.

The enterprise also organized mass production of UAV components:
* optoelectronic systems on a gyro-stabilized platform;
* small-sized flight and navigation complex (autopilot);
* launching device (catapult);
* parachute systems;
* ground receiving-transmitting complexes for organizing a communication system between the control point and a long-range unmanned aerial vehicle located outside the zone of direct radio visibility;
simulators for training operators of unmanned aerial systems and analysis of the results of real flights;
* a dynamic stand for setting up and testing the parameters of flight and navigation systems and gyro-stabilized video systems;
* hardware-software complex for semi-natural simulation of the flight of an aircraft.

The center is able to provide:
* supply of unmanned aerial systems and other products developed and mass-produced by the enterprise;
* aerial photography;
* technical support and support;
* performance of research and development work on the subject of unmanned aerial vehicles, incl. within the framework of joint projects. The presence of our own design bureau allows us to quickly refine the complexes to meet the requirements of customers;
* training of operators of unmanned aerial vehicles, maintenance of unmanned aircraft systems.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing unmanned aircraft systems for ecological terrain monitoring based on airship «UAS EM» under a manufacturing agreement.

Partners interested in acquiring unmanned aircraft systems for ecological terrain monitoring based on airship «UAS EM» under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


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Statistics since 04.12.2020 17:23:03