Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry  
220075 Minsk, Partizansky ave. 172

Dry and frozen bacterial starter cultures for the dairy industry









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Ekaterina Shegidevich
+375 17 357 9551
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry offers manufacturers of fermented dairy products bacterial starters for industrial use under a manufacturing or licensing agreement and is looking for partners to conclude a distribution services agreement.
RUE "Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry" is the only manufacturer of bacterial starter cultures for the dairy industry in the Republic of Belarus. We produce 27 types of frozen and 24 types of dry starter cultures for the production of various types of fermented dairy products:
- for the production of cheeses, including additional cultures for cheeses;
- for cottage cheese and soft cheeses;
- for fermented milk products;
- for sour cream;
- for functional products.
Starters are used primarily for direct addition to prepared milk raw materials; certain types can be used to prepare industrial starters in a dairy processing plant.

The culrures are produced on the basis of only domestic strains of microorganisms using high-tech technologies developed in the Republic of Belarus.

To ensure the production of bacterial starter cultures, a Republican collection of industrial strains of starter cultures and their bacteriophages of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry”, declared a National Treasure (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 19, 2016 No. 1043), was created on the basis of the Institute. As part of the functioning of the Collection, the isolation, identification and maintenance of domestic industrial strains of lactic acid, propionic acid and bifidobacteria, including probiotic ones, is carried out. The unique properties of collection cultures form the basis for the industrial production of domestic dry and frozen bacterial starter cultures, and also form the basis for the development and production of new types of starter cultures.
Advantages and Innovations
Systematic and constant work is being carried out, taking into account global trends in the development of industrial microbiology and biotechnology, to improve the characteristics of combinations of microorganisms used as the basis for starter technologies, to study their resistance to bacteriophages and the stability of technologically significant characteristics.
The use of starter cultures produced by the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry" at milk processing plants allows for efficient fermentation processes, production of dairy products that meet quality and safety requirements, formation of a harmonious taste in products with a pronounced aroma, and preservation of quality characteristics during long-term storage.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
C.10.51 - Operation of dairies and cheese making
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute’s activities are aimed at improving and scientific support of the dairy and meat industry of the Republic of Belarus and include the following main areas:

- Development of new types of meat and dairy products, resource- and energy-saving, innovative and import-substituting technologies for the production of dairy and meat products.

- Development and improvement of technologies for the production of bacterial starters for the dairy industry and biopreservatives for the agricultural sector, functional, specialized, and baby food products.

- Production of dry and frozen starter cultures and biopreservatives for the processing industry and agro-industrial complex.

- Ensuring the functioning and development of the Republican collection of industrial strains of starter cultures and their bacteriophages - the national treasure of the Republic of Belarus (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 19, 2016 No. 1043).

- Testing raw materials and finished products for quality and safety indicators.

- Development of technical regulatory legal acts and technological documentation harmonized with international requirements in the field of standardization and regulation in the meat and dairy industries.

- Development of new technologies and means of sanitary processing of technological equipment and production premises.

- Development of modern organizational and economic approaches and mechanisms aimed at increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the meat and dairy industries.

- Organizing and conducting scientific and practical events, training courses aimed at improving the professional skills and knowledge of enterprise workers.

- Scientific and technological support for the development and modernization of the meat and dairy industries, provision of scientific, methodological and consulting assistance.

Scientific research carried out by the Institute is relevant, reflects the real needs of the meat and dairy industry and is aimed at reducing resource consumption, import substitution, increasing the biological value of products, and expanding their range. The Institute is one of the leading enterprises in the development of technologies and new types of products for the meat and dairy industries.
Certification standards
- Quality management system in accordance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015
- Food safety management system based on hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP system) in accordance with the requirements of STB 1470-2012
- Halal system in compliance with UAE.S GSO 2055-1:2015
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
License agreement
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Manufacturers of fermented dairy products interested in purchasing starters under a manufacturing or licensing agreement.

Partners interested in purchasing starters under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


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Statistics since 01.07.2022 14:16:51