Institute of Land Reclamation  
220040, Minsk, Nekrasov street, 39-2

Automated history book of agricultural enterprise fields based on GIS technologies









Linked profile in other language
Tamara Sviridovich
The Institute of of Land Reclamation offers consumers a technology for compiling computer maps of an agricultural enterprise to form an automated book of the history of fields of an agricultural enterprise using GIS technologies under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and is looking for partners interested in research and technical cooperation agreements .
The GIS-based automated history book is a computer map of an agricultural enterprise with an associated database of attributive characteristics of each field. Data for each individual field: type of crop, type and dose of fertilizers applied, use of protective equipment, all annual technological operations, crops obtained, as well as any other indicators recorded on the farm, are annually entered into typed tables that are intuitively understandable to the user with minimal training.

The field history book provides:
* differentiated accounting of the harvest and all crop-forming factors for each field of the economy;
* the possibility of control, efficiency, availability of information for analysis and management decision-making.

The automated field history book was developed for the agricultural sector of the republic and is designed to be maintained and used in solving practical problems by specialists of agricultural enterprises, both on the scale of an individual farm, and aggregated for the level of a district, region and republic.

On the basis of the developed geo-relational concept of creating an information support system for agricultural production, for the first time in the republic, its basic component was implemented - a computer book of the history of the fields of an agricultural enterprise based on GIS technologies, representing an electronic map of fields with an associated attribute data base for all technological operations, used crop-forming factors, and the resulting yield in the context each field. .
Advantages and Innovations
The GIS-based automated history book has passed a production test, and on its basis, methodological recommendations have been developed for organizing and maintaining separate records of yields on reclaimed and non-drained lands.

The use of the book provides a solution to the most urgent problem of monitoring the effectiveness of the reconstruction of reclamation systems through automated separate accounting of the productivity of undrained and reclaimed lands, before and after reconstruction, with the possibility of summarizing by crops, soil types, relief, etc. with generalization from the scale of the economy, to the districts and the republic as a whole.

The book provides integration of data on crop-forming factors (weather-climatic, relief, soil, agrochemistry) observed by various departments, including data from remote sensing of the earth, "spot" yields from harvesters equipped with GPS receivers.

The software implements full-scale information support for making economically and environmentally sound decisions on optimizing crop rotations and their intensity, provides reliable business planning for the reconstruction of reclamation systems and the use of other crop-forming factors, control of land use efficiency. Keeping a field history book actually turns all production fields into a single continuous full-factor field experiment aimed at optimizing investment in each specific field. The use of the system provides an increase in the economic efficiency of crop production by 15-25% or more.
Stage of development
Field tested/evaluated (TRL8)
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group
ICT Industry & Services

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
M.71.20 - Technical testing and analysis
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Land Reclamation provides scientific support for the use of more than 4.5 million hectares of agricultural land, including 2.9 million hectares of drained land and 1.6 million hectares of meadow lands with a natural water regime.

Main directions of scientific and scientific-technical activity:
- Development of highly efficient energy and resource-saving technologies and design solutions for the construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of reclamation systems, management of the water-air regime of reclaimed lands and irrigation.
- Development of highly efficient energy and resource-saving technologies and design solutions for the construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of reclamation systems, management of the water-air regime of reclaimed lands.
- Modeling and integrated monitoring of reclaimed areas and the environment with
using modern methods of diagnostics, computer technologies, geographic information systems and databases for information support to support the adoption of environmentally and economically efficient decisions in the planning and design of land reclamation measures and the use of reclaimed lands.
- Creation of highly efficient zonal farming systems on reclaimed lands, ensuring the rational use of land resources and the sustainable functioning of natural systems.
- Development of economically and environmentally sound technologies for intensifying the use of hayfields and pastures, including grass seed production.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Research cooperation agreement
Technical cooperation agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing the technology for compiling computer maps of an agricultural enterprise for the formation of an automated book of the history of fields of an agricultural enterprise using GIS technologies under a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Partners interested in research and technical cooperation agreements.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


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Statistics since 28.04.2022 16:28:32