Centre for Identification Systems and e-Business Operations

220072 Minsk, Academicheskaja str. 15/2

Barcode verification (quality check) services









Linked profile in other language
Aliaksandr Reshetniak
+375 17 373 3080
The Center for Identification Systems offers consumers services for verification (quality check) of bar codes under an outsourcing agreement and is looking for partners interested in a distribution services agreement.
The Center for Identification Systems has a software and hardware complex for BARCODE VERIFICATION.

The testing laboratory is certified by Gosstandart (accreditation certificate No. BY/112 02.1.0509 dated 07/09/2007).

The laboratory is engaged in carrying out a range of works and providing verification services, including checking the legality of the use of bar codes assigned and applied to goods (products).

A detailed analysis of the verification results shows the full range of reasons for the unsatisfactory quality of bar code symbols submitted by the customer, deviating from the regulatory requirements of the standards (from the quality of the file master, film master or original layout to the quality of printing execution), which is documented in the official test report (verification ). The testing laboratory is located on the street. Sudmalisa, 22. Here you can also get advice on all regulatory, methodological and technological issues of product numbering and bar coding of products and services, as well as produce a bar code master file, which is necessary for placing an order for printing a circulation of a label or packaging. The barcode master image will comply with the requirements of current standards, including GOST 30832-2002 (ISO/IEC 15416-2000), which regulates the rules for the design of barcode symbols and the requirements for testing the quality of its printing.

To verify (quality check) bar codes you must:
- submit a written application to the Testing Laboratory and attach to it samples of packaging of products intended for verification;
- conclude an agreement and make payment for services provided under the agreement;
- within the period specified in the contract, receive an official response with a technical conclusion on the results of bar code verification and recommendations for improving their quality.

After the work is completed, the applicant is provided with the following materials:
- verification protocol;
- conclusion of the Testing Laboratory.

The center also maintains information about the product up to date (ensuring safety, making changes, blocking).

Download the application form for barcode verification (MS Word). (in Russian)
Advantages and Innovations
Verification of product labeling.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group
ICT Industry & Services

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
J.61.90 - Other telecommunications activities
J.62.09 - Other information technology and computer service activities
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The scientific and engineering republican unitary enterprise “Interindustry Scientific and Practical Center for Identification Systems and Electronic Business Operations” (State Enterprise “Cenrer for Identification Systems”) was created in 2006 as a specialized organization in the field of automatic identification technologies and electronic business operations.

In accordance with Government Decree No. 1116 of August 22, 2011, the Center is the lead organization in the Republic of Belarus for scientific and methodological support for the creation and operation of information resources about goods (products), their automatic identification, as well as ensuring electronic document flow in commodity distribution networks and processes e-commerce.

The functions of the Center are determined by the Charter and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 09/07/2006. No. 1152 (in Russian):
- conducting scientific research in the field of electronic business;
- development and implementation of international and national standards on technologies for automatic identification of products, goods, services;
- turnkey supply of integration solutions for monitoring systems for commodity and transport flows based on modern information and communication technologies;
- design of automated information and logistics systems based on bar coding, radio frequency (RFID) identification and electronic document management technologies;
- creation and maintenance of national information resources and product range databases based on international standards and e-commerce technologies.

Main directions of scientific and practical work:
- formation and support in the information resources of the GS1 system of Belarus of international product identification numbers applied in the form of bar and radio frequency codes, incl. maintaining the Republican register (depository) of bar codes;
- organizing the functioning of the Bank of electronic passports of goods (master data) as a basic information resource for electronic business purposes;
- design, implementation and maintenance of state, interdepartmental and industry information resources and systems based on identification and traceability technologies;
- electronic document management (in product supply chains, office and corporate office work, e-commerce);
- research and development in the field of RFID technologies;
- IoT-based monitoring systems.

- consulting in the field of international standards for product numbering, bar coding, RFID technologies, electronic document management and product supply chain management based on these standards;
- development and turnkey delivery of automated information systems and technologies based on international standards for automatic identification and e-business;
- formation, maintenance and up-to-date maintenance of a national register (depository) of goods marked with international identification (bar and radio frequency) codes with the prefix of the Republic of Belarus “481”;
- maintaining the “Bank of Electronic Passports of Goods” - a republican information system of basic information (master data) about goods produced and sold on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for the purposes of automated accounting in commodity distribution networks and conducting e-commerce processes;
- support of the AITS system - System for identification, registration, traceability of animals and products of animal origin in the Republic of Belarus;
- verification (checking the legality of use and quality of application) of bar codes and radio frequency tags.
Certification standards
Standardization in the field of automatic identification and electronic data interchange (EDI) in the Republic of Belarus More..
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing barcode verification (quality check) services under an outsourcing agreement.

Partners interested in purchasing barcode verification (quality check) services under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


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Statistics since 26.04.2024 15:17:39