Geoinformation Systems  
220012 Minsk, Surganova St. 6

Interagency system for monitoring and responding to fires in natural ecosystems using operational data from the Belarusian Space Remote Sensing System (BSRSS)










Linked profile in other language
Sergei Kotov
+375 17 258 6096
Enterprise "Geoinformation systems" offers consumers services for the use of an interagency fire monitoring and response system in natural ecosystems using operational data from the Belarusian Space Remote Sensing System (BSRSS) under an outsourcing agreement or subcontracting and is looking for partners interested in a distribution services agreement.
Enterprise "Geoinformation systems" has developed and successfully put into operation:
- subsystem for monitoring and responding to the threat or occurrence of emergency situations (“Emergency Monitoring”) in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus;
- hydrometeorological safety subsystem (PS INFOMET) in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus;
- forest fund monitoring subsystem (“LF Monitoring”) in the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus;
- subsystem for monitoring the land fund (“Monitoring of the Land Fund”) in the State Committee for Property of the Republic of Belarus.

Successful experience in operating the Emergency Monitoring subsystem has shown the effectiveness of the implemented approach to creating modern information monitoring systems and information support systems for decision-making based on operational data from the emergency response system. The development of the subsystem is aimed at maximizing automation of processes related to monitoring and forecasting the spread of fires in natural ecosystems and adjacent territories, increasing the efficiency of information exchange between interested departments.

The main task is to create an interagency system for monitoring and responding to fires (IASMF) based on the development of software and automation of relevant techniques. The targeted use of information provided by the IMS allows to ensure:
− providing access to thematic space information to IASMF users;
− unity of use of state information resources to reduce the risks of the occurrence and development of emergency situations in natural ecosystems;
− interdepartmental cooperation in the field of preventing and eliminating fires in natural ecosystems;
− reducing the costs of monitoring and eliminating fires in natural ecosystems.

IASMF is built on the basis of functional subsystems of the multi-level BKSDZ and departmental subsystems “Emergency Monitoring”, PS INFOMET and “ZF Monitoring”, as well as the land information system of the Republic of Belarus (ZIS) and the corporate geographic information system “Lesfond” (GIS “Lesfond”).

IASMF is a set of software systems that interact with each other to provide:
− automation of processes of interdepartmental exchange of monitoring, forecast and factual information related to fires in natural ecosystems;
− providing IASMF users with regulated access to thematic space information;
− providing SME users with BCSD materials;
− providing users of IASMF with forecast and actual information about weather conditions, the fire hazard class of forests according to weather conditions and the flammability class of forests;
− providing IASMF users with information on the land and forest funds of the Republic of Belarus and other thematic geo-referenced information necessary for making decisions on the prevention and elimination of fires in natural ecosystems.

Scheme of interaction of existing software, complexes, functional subsystems of organizations that use BSRSS data and interact with each other, as well as a set of software systems that provide automation of the processes of monitoring and predicting the spread of fires in natural ecosystems and adjacent territories, including automation of information exchange between departmental information systems is shown in the figure. The interaction of IASMF software systems is carried out based on the use of open and well-known data exchange protocols. Information
The exchange is implemented using REST API technologies and Open Geospatial Consortium mapping web services protocols.

Read more.(in Russian)
Advantages and Innovations
A model for forecasting the development of forest fires is created taking into account the use of standard indicators of forest plantations obtained as a result of forest management, meteorological indicators when predicting the development of forest fires, and the results of testing the resulting model on real forest fire data.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group
Aeronautics, Space and Dual-Use Technologies
ICT Industry & Services

Organization information

Industry SME 50-249
Year established
NACE keywords
J.61.90 - Other telecommunications activities
J.63.99 - Other information service activities n.e.c.
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
In 1996 Work has begun on creating a system for remote detection of wildfires using data from remote sensing of the Earth from space within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Program “Minimizing and overcoming the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant” and the State Scientific and Technical Project “Emergency Situations” for 1996-2000.

The enterprise took part in the Union State program “Development and use of space facilities and technologies for obtaining, processing and displaying space information” (“Cosmos-BR”) (1999–2003).

The enterprise is included in the executors of the project to create the BKSDZ, and is also identified by the organization operating the BKSDZ.

The enterprise has been designated as the National Operator of the Belarusian Space System for Remote Sensing of the Earth (hereinafter referred to as BKSDS) for the purpose of operating BKSDS and the Belarusian spacecraft, as well as interaction with organizations involved in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
In 2006 The Space Information Reception Center was created.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated October 14, 2008 No. 1517 approved the “National Program for the Research and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes for 2008 - 2012,” which includes the subprogram “Development of the Belarusian Space System for Remote Sensing of the Earth.” As part of this subprogram, the enterprise is creating the infrastructure and basic technologies of the BKSDS, ensuring the functioning and operation of the BSC, meeting the needs of Belarusian and foreign users for services and data from remote sensing of the Earth, both from the BSC and from promising foreign spacecraft.

The enterprise began implementing the Union State program “Development of an integrated system for standardization of space technology created within the framework of programs and projects of the Union State” (“Standardization-SG”) as the parent organization (2011-2014).

In 2015, the enterprise began to participate as a competent organization of the Republic of Belarus on the issues of receiving and processing space information provided by the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters. The company has been accepted as a member of the international alliance of operators of Earth remote sensing satellites “PanGeo”.

The company is the lead implementing organization from the Republic of Belarus of the Union State program “Development, modernization and harmonization of regulatory, organizational, methodological and hardware-software for the targeted use of space remote sensing systems of the Earth in Russia and Belarus” (“Integration-SG”) (2020-2023).

The main Partners and Customers are listed here.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing services for the use of an interdepartmental system for monitoring and responding to fires in natural ecosystems using operational data from the Belarusian Space Remote Sensing System (BSRSS) under an outsourcing agreement or subcontracting.

Partners interested in purchasing services for the use of an interdepartmental fire monitoring and response system in natural ecosystems using operational data from the Belarusian Space Remote Sensing System (BSRSS) under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


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Statistics since 07.05.2024 15:39:51