RCTT's experts took part in the 17th International Technology Transfer Conference - ITTC 17 (09.10.2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia)


On October 09, 2024, RCTT's experts took part in the 17th International Technology Transfer Conference - ITTC 17.

The conference was organized by the Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.

Director of RCTT Dr. Alexander Uspenskiy presented the paper “Prospects for the use of AI tools in the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer Network” (authors: Alexander Uspenskiy, Aliaksei Uspenski, Maxim Prybylski).

Programme of the conference and link to presented scientific papers on technology transfer and intellectual property could be found here.

On October 11, 2024, the conference will host award ceremonies in the following nominations:

Past ITTC proceedings you can find here.
