Institute of Metal Technology  
212030 Mogilev, Bialynitskaga-Biruli Str. 11

Technology and equipment for continuous horizontal casting of billets from cast iron and non-ferrous alloys










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Alena Patuk
+375 22 264 0699
The Institute of Metal Technology offers consumers technology and/or equipment for continuous horizontal casting of billets from cast iron and non-ferrous alloys for the required range of cast billets under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and/or manufacturing agreement, and is also looking for partners interested in upgrading existing equipment, developing new technological processes under a technical cooperation agreement.
Scope of application - production of profile blanks of various sizes from gray and high-strength cast iron, copper-based alloys for parts used in foundry, forging and metal-cutting equipment, hydraulic equipment, etc.

There is significant potential for increasing the share of use of domestic continuous casting technological lines at Belarusian and Russian enterprises by replacing imported equipment when creating new or modernizing existing foundry production sites, including at machine-building enterprises for the production of products of small profile sizes or for processing scrap metal directly on site. .

The operating principle of the production line is as follows: molten metal from the mixer enters the cavity of the crystallizer. The hardened continuously cast billet is pulled out by a drawing stand and cut into dimensional pieces by a cutting mechanism.

The continuous horizontal casting production line consists of:
1. Two-roll servo-driven withdrawal set with screw stop for rollers and secondary cooling;
2. Withdrawal-roll set control panel;
3. Inductive channel mixer;
4. Channel mixer control panel;
5. Band-saw cutting unit;
6. Casting molds with graphite drawing-block.

Main technical characteristics of the production line for continuous horizontal casting:
- Diameter of cast rods, mm 30-200
- Stand number 1 и 2
- Output, kg/h
diameter 30 mm 320-360
diameter 100 mm 370-410
diameter 200 mm 480-540
- Iron receiver capacity, kg
two-stand 250-300
single-stand 150-200
- Average rate of casting, mm/min
diameter 30 mm 400-430
diameter 100 mm 90-120
diameter 200 mm 480-540
- Rod extraction regimes, sec
move time 0,01-99,9
stop time 0,01-99,9
- Material of produced rods
tin bronzes
aluminum bronze
- Electric motor power, kW 4,5
- Control system electrical
- Cooling of crystallizer water
- Water pressure in the circle, bar not less than 1
- Water discharge for cooling, m3/h 1,8-2,5
- Supply voltage, V 380
- Dimensions, mm
length 5500
width 2100
height 1500
- Weight, kg 1900

Main technical characteristics of induction mixer:
- Total capacity of the furnace (2 baths), kg 700-800
- Melt temperature, °С до 1200
- Output, kg/h 170
- installed power, kW 60
- Circuit voltage, V 380
- Phase number 2
- Preciseness of temperature maintenance, °С 10
- Furnace weight with lining, t. 3
- Dimensions, mm
length 1900
width 1200
height 900
- Power frequency, Hz 50
- cos not less than 0,7
- Discharge of technical water for furnace cooling, m3/h 0,18

The Institute offers interested industrial partners:
1. Services for the manufacture of billets from cast iron, bronze, or aluminum under a manufacturing agreement.
The diameter of the cast bars:
-bronze, mm 25-200
- cast iron, mm 30-150
- aluminum, mm 40-190.
Section of rectangular cast-iron rods, mm from 30x50 to 150x200.
2. Manufacturing and supply plants for the continuous horizontal casting of billets from cast iron and non-ferrous alloys under a commercial agreement with technical assistance. Plants are designed for each specific customer according to his range of castings, production volumes, and other requirements. Equipment delivery time: 4.5 - 6 months.

Advantages and Innovations
New automated control system and drive of the pulling stand, allowing for regulation of the speed mode for extracting the casting.

The new energy-efficient induction channel mixer allows you to reduce energy costs and at the same time ensure the stability of maintaining a given temperature, which reduces waste.

A new breaking mechanism with increased force allows guaranteed breaking of cast iron bars with a diameter of up to 250 mm, which reduces equipment downtime and thereby increases its productivity.

The presence of a modern automated control system ensures process stability and optimal conditions for ingot formation. High process productivity with low energy consumption and equipment cost.

The achieved performance indicators correspond to the best world analogues, which is the basis for further promotion of equipment for continuous horizontal casting on the markets of the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

The process of producing blanks using the method of continuous horizontal casting most fully meets modern requirements for environmental cleanliness, resource conservation and quality of castings.

Continuous horizontal casting lines provide the ability to quickly switch product output from one type of material to another and ease the transition from one standard size to another without significant equipment readjustment.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group
Aeronautics, Space and Dual-Use Technologies
Maritime Industry and Services

Client information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
C.24.10 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys
C.25.61 - Treatment and coating of metals
C.25.99 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Metal Technology is the leading scientific organization of the republic in the field of development and creation of resource-saving, environmentally friendly high-tech foundry technologies, and the production of modern materials for industrial enterprises.

The main directions of scientific and technical activities of the institute:
- Technologies for obtaining the structure and properties of powdered hard alloys based on tungsten, titanium, tantalum carbides with cobalt as a binder material;
- Methods for recycling and hardening of hard alloys in order to improve their quality performance characteristics;
- Processes for recycling high-speed steel scrap to obtain material for tool products;
- Development of theoretical foundations for controlling the processes of formation of the structure and properties of metals and alloys during their crystallization and solidification;
- Thermophysics and hydrodynamics of special types of casting;
- Creation of new materials and resource-saving technological processes for their production, processing and strengthening.

The results of fundamental research of the institute are presented in scientific publications and are used:
- when creating environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies for continuous casting of ingots from ferrous and non-ferrous alloys;
- development of new cast, including bimetallic, materials with high consumer properties (strength, ductility, density);
- development of wear-resistant carbon-based composites, including those with a gradient of physical and mechanical properties.

The Institute develops, manufactures, supplies, installs and services equipment for continuous casting of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, electroslag casting of billets, including bimetallic ones, and centrifugal casting of bimetals.

According to consumer orders, the institute will produce:
- cylinder liners for high-performance engines;
- zinc anodes for galvanic coating;
- original prizes, souvenirs, bas-reliefs, figurines, memorial plaques and other sculptural works made of bronze and aluminum;
- molding casting of parts made of chromium wear-resistant cast iron for centrifugal crushing and grinding equipment for use in the construction industry.
- by casting by quenching solidification, castings from alloy AK12 with nanostructured eutectic silicon, castings from alloy AK15, AK18, AK21 with an ultrafine structure, which have unique physical-mechanical, wear-resistant and performance properties.
- by the method of continuous horizontal casting, rectangular, round and complex cross-section blanks made of cast iron and copper-based alloys, hollow castings made of cast iron and copper-based alloys, copper anodes for galvanic coating.
- electroslag casting bimetallic workpieces, stainless steel workpieces.

The Institute develops and manufactures foundry equipment:
- electroslag remelting installations;
- continuous horizontal casting installations;
- channel furnaces for melting brass and bronze;
- continuous casting lines for copper chloride tape;
- molds with a jet cooling system for continuous casting of metals and alloys.

The Institute offers services in:
1. Study of the structure and properties of metals and alloys:
- determination of the chemical composition of metals and alloys, compressed powders, wires using atomic emission spectroscopy;
- metallographic studies of the structure;
- determination of physical and mechanical properties.
2. Modeling of casting processes:
- solving thermal problems of solidification of castings and ingots of any configuration and problems of crystallization of metals and alloys;
- optimization of casting processes and other technological processes based on multi-criteria optimization techniques.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Manufacturing agreement
Technical cooperation agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing technology and/or equipment for continuous horizontal casting of cast iron and non-ferrous alloys for the required range of castings under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and/or a manufacturing agreement.

Partners interested in upgrading existing equipment and developing new technological processes under a technical cooperation agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


Количество уникальных просмотров в одной сессии: 3267
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