SSPA of Powder Metallurgy  
220005 Minsk, Platonova str. 41

Friction Stir Welding - A New Method of Joining Materials Without Melting Materials










Linked profile in other language
Anastasiia Zaitseva
SSPA of Powder Metallurgy offers customers friction stir welding technology, including the development and provision of working tools under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and the delivery and/or modernization of existing equipment to the customer, as well as the performance of welding of parts and assemblies agreed with the customer under a manufacturing agreement.
Application of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) – one of the most promising energy- and resource-saving technological processes in the field of welding and related technologies.

Many years of experience in industrial application of FSW have shown that this type of welding is not inferior to traditional types of welding and can be used in many areas of mechanical engineering.

Developer and manufacturer - «Institute of Welding and Protective Coatings» (Minsk), (in Russian) of the "O. V. Roman Institute of Powder Metallurgy ".

Scope of application - enterprises and organizations of mechanical engineering, energy, petrochemistry, construction, agriculture and other industries.

It is possible to design technological processes and manufacture welded structures by the FSW method using the developed equipment in the Republic of Belarus, as well as for export to the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

Information is posted in the Album of promising developments of organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for the real sector of the economy (2023) (in Russian), p. 132-133.
Advantages and Innovations
The FSW process corresponds to world analogues and allows free competition with the best developers and manufacturers of similar products.

Advantages: absence of hot, cold cracks and pore formation in the joint; FSW of thin-sheet materials with a thickness of 0.1 mm.

The economic efficiency of using FSW in industry instead of the fusion welding methods used today is achieved due to the process indicators for which energy consumption is 2-5 times less (2.5% of the energy consumed in laser welding, 10% of the energy consumed in arc welding), the production cycle is 50-75% shorter, the cost of 1 running meter of seam is 4-10 or more times lower. No filler materials and protective materials (gases, fluxes, wires, etc.) are required.

This welding method is more harmless in comparison with traditional fusion welding methods. With FSW, there is no harmful radiation from the welding arc, no release of metal vapors and strong heating (liquid phase) of the metal. At the same time, FSW is ecologically and hygienically safe, does not require the use of individual means of protection for the welder and costs for general exchange ventilation, etc.

The absence of hot, cold cracks and pore formation in the joint allows the process to be carried out with low heat input, which, in turn, leads to insignificant grain growth in the heat-affected zone, small residual deformations and stresses, as well as less softening during welding of heat-strengthened aluminum alloys and other alloys, makes it possible to weld difficult-to-weld materials, including in various combinations.

The use of the FSW process in production will reduce the costs of training qualified welders, since this welding process can be performed by a milling machine operator who can perform preparatory and post-weld mechanical processing of the product and carry out the welding process itself on one equipment.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Comments regarding IPS status
The development at the enterprise is protected as a commercial secret.
Sector group
Aeronautics, Space and Dual-Use Technologies
Intelligent Energy
Maritime Industry and Services
Sustainable Construction

Client information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
C.24.33 - Cold forming or folding
C.25.50 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
SSPA of Powder Metallurgy is the leading inter-industry research and production center in the Republic of Belarus, operating in key areas for the country's industrial complex:
-powder metallurgy;
-composite materials, including nanostructured ones;
-use of pulse technologies for the creation and production of materials and products;
-vacuum technology and equipment;
-welding (technologies, materials, equipment and control);
-materials and equipment for applying protective and functional coatings;
-structural ceramics;
-medical materials and instruments;
-synthesis and production of tools from superhard materials;
-injection molding;
-special technologies, including the disposal of artillery and engineering ammunition, the disposal of aviation weapons, the production of industrial emulsion explosives.

I. The head «O.V. Roman Powder Metallurgy Institute.» (Minsk), which includes:
OHP «Institute of Welding and Protective Coatings» (Minsk), (in Russian);
OHP «Research Institute of Pulse Processes with Pilot Production» (Minsk), (in Russian);
OHP «Scientific Instrument Making» (Minsk), (in Russian);
and also:
Directorate for Industrial Disposal of Ammunition, (in Russian);
Centre for certification of pyrotechnic products, explosives and products based on them(in Russian);
Laboratory of technologies for disposal of ammunition and study of properties of explosive materials.
II. PRUP «Molodechno Powder Metallurgy Plant» (Molodechno), (in Russian).
III. RCP «Center for disposal of aircraft weapons» (Gorodok), (in Russian).
IV. RCC «Artillery and Engineering Ammunition Utilization Center» (Dobrush, Mikashevichi), (in Russian).

The geography of scientific and business relations of the Association covers the countries of Eastern, Western and Central Europe, the USA, India, Korea, China, Vietnam, etc.

The Association has a powerful research and experimental base equipped with modern research equipment, pilot production facilities at institutes, as well as a powder metallurgy plant.

The Association occupies one of the leading positions in the world in the production of:
-high-strength structural powder products of complex shape for mechanical engineering;
-sintered friction discs for operation under lubrication and dry friction conditions based on iron and copper powders;
-porous permeable materials based on powders of corrosion-resistant steel, titanium, nickel and bronze, products made of them of various shapes and sizes;
-bimetals and composite multilayer metal materials obtained by explosion welding;
-diamond tools for processing and cutting stone and building materials;
-heat pipes with a porous powder capillary structure and heat sinks based on them for cooling electronic components, devices, control systems, aircraft;
-composite powders for applying heat-, corrosion- and wear-resistant coatings;
-vacuum-plasma technology for applying composite functional coatings;
-production of medical dental, orthopedic and cardiological implants based on biocompatible and bioactive materials;
welding equipment, technologies and materials.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Customers interested in purshasing friction stir welding technology, including the development and provision of working tools under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and delivery and/or upgrading of existing equipment to the customer, as well as performing welding of parts and assemblies agreed with the customer under a manufacturing agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


Количество уникальных просмотров в одной сессии: 436
Статистика ведется с 02.08.2024 23:21:36