Institute of Microbiology  
220141, Minsk, Academician V.F. Kuprevicha St., 2

Manufacture and supply of a line of biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» for environmental protection










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Tatiana Petkevich
The Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus offers consumers a line of biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» for environmental protection under a manufacturing agreement and is looking for partners interested in a distribution services agreement.
The Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has developed biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» for environmental protection.

Biopreparation «ANTOIL®» (in liquid form) designed for intensify decontamination of municipal sewage, industrial effluents and farm wastewaters polluted with lipid compounds.

Bioactivators «ANTOIL®+» (in liquid form) and «ANTOIL®+C» (in dry form) designed for the treatment of municipal wastewater in biological structures of any type, including septic tanks.

The basis of preparation «ANTOIL®» is hyperactive strains-degraders of lipid pollutants (titer - not less than 1,0x109 CFU/ml.), bioactivators «ANTOIL®+» and «ANTOIL®+C» – consortium of highly active microbial strains-degraders of organic compounds polluting municipal sewage (titer is at least 1,0x1010 CFU/ml (l.), 1,0x1010 CFU/ml (d.)).

Principle of action biopreparations is based on biodecomposition and assimilation by superactive microbial cultures of organic compounds (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) as sources of energy and nutrition with ultimate release of water and carbon dioxide. Preparations readily copes with elevated levels of fats, oils and fatty acids, improving thereby ecological standards of effluents.

The use of preparations contributes:
* intensify degradation of organic compounds in autonomous sewerage circuits and urban decontamination systems, in septic tanks, biotoilets, to liquefy bottom sediments;
* initiate and promote development of biocenoses in closed-cycle sewerage systems (septic tanks, stations of profound biological treatment) in order to maximize efficiency of wastewater detoxification;
* facilitate re-launching of idle decontamination facilities;
* ensure rapid recovery of activated sludge biocenoses exposed to the impact of hypertoxic effluents containing high levels of ammonium nitrogen, lipids and synthetic surfactants;
* eliminate and neutralize unpleasant smells at decontamination units.

Biopreparations ecologically safe, belong to:
* hazard class 4 (low-hazard substances);
* toxicity class 0 of substances according to the severity of skin-irritating effect.

Application guidelines for biopreparation «ANTOIL®»:

Application guidelines for bioactivators «ANTOIL®+» and «ANTOIL®+C»:
(1 dose of dry preparation «ANTOIL®+C» / per 1 liter of water)

* plastic containers of 1..50 l volume;
* plastic or metallized bags of 1..50 kg wight.

Terms of storage:
6 months (l.), 1 years (d.) since fabrication date within temperature range +4 to +15 °C in shady place.

Application area: environmental management and protection, wastewater treatment.

Institute of Microbiology offers partners:
* biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» for environmental protection under a manufacturing agreement;
* biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» for environmental protection under a distribution services agreement.

Product catalog of the «Institute of Microbiology of NAS of Belarus» 2023, pp.33-34.

Biopreparations «ANTOIL®» and «ANTOIL®+» on the Institute of Microbiology site (in Russian).
Advantages and Innovations
Biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» have no domestic analogues.
In terms of technical and economic indicators they are not inferior to foreign analogues:
«Grizz Treat» and «MICROZIM™ Septi Treat» («Microzyme», USA/Russian Federation);
«UNIBAC-universal» (LLC SPA «SBM», Russian Federation);
«BIOFORCE Septic Comfort» («BIOFORCE», Canada);
«POLIFLOCK–BPP» («Ekotakas UAB», Lithuania);
and at a cost they 16 times cheaper based on the cleaning cost of 1 m3/month.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Comments regarding stage of development
ТУ BY 100289066.039-2007 (ANTOIL®)
ТУ BY 100289066.145-2018 (ANTOIL®+)
ТУ BY 100289066.164-2020 (ANTOIL®+C)
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Trade marks
Sector group
Intelligent Energy

Client information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Microbiology is the leading research center of the Republic of Belarus in the field of microbiology and biotechnology. The Institute's arsenal of innovative developments includes substances for medicines and diagnostics, biopreservatives, feed and food additives, biodisinfectants, probiotics, plant protection products, microbial fertilizers, wastewater and environmental treatment technologies that are in demand by the economy, and specific recommendations for combating biodamage.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» for environmental protection under a manufacturing agreement.

Partners interested in purchasing biopreparations «ANTOIL®», «ANTOIL®+», «ANTOIL®+C» for environmental protection under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


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Statistics since 17.03.2023 10:46:31