Institute of Nature Management  
220076 Minsk, F. Skoriny str. 10

Technology of production of plant growth regulator "HYDROGUMATE"










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Alexej Tomson
+375 17 338 3782
The Institute of Nature Management offers consumers the technology for producing the plant growth regulator "HYDROGUMATE" under a license agreement and/or a commercial agreement with technical assistance for organizing production.
A humic preparation. These preparations have a pronounced membranotropic effect. They activate energy and metabolic processes in plant cells, which is manifested in the intensification of protein and phosphorus metabolism, transport of nutrients, photosynthetic activity, and cell respiration.

It is used in the cultivation of grain (winter rye and wheat, triticale, spring barley, corn), cereals (millet), legumes (peas, fodder beans), vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes), potatoes, root crops (sugar and table beets, carrots), flax, deciduous woody plants and shrubs, flower crops and lawn grasses, as well as a biologically active additive to mineral fertilizers.

Hydrohumate is approved for use in the agro-industrial complex and for retail sale to the population.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus in 2019–2020. In our country, agricultural crops were grown on an area of ​​about 5.9 million hectares. The consumption of "Hydrohumate" for treating vegetative plants is 4-6 kg / ha per season. Based on the sown areas and consumption indicators, the total need for humic growth regulators only for use on main crops is about 15 thousand tons per year.

Comparative indicators for the total production of humic preparations in the republic and the need for crop production for use under main crops indicate the need to expand their production at more powerful production facilities on an industrial scale.

Currently, in the Republic of Belarus, there are small pilot plants for the production of humic preparations for crop production with a capacity of up to 500 tons per year. In our country, several trade names and owners of peat-based growth regulators are registered.

"Hydrohumate" is an environmentally friendly, highly effective plant growth regulator based on natural raw materials - peat. The technology of its production is based on deep processing of peat raw materials, which allows not only to extract humic substances with a high yield, but also to increase the level of their biological activity by chemical modification, as well as to partially destroy high-molecular natural polymers of peat (humic acids, polysaccharides, proteins, lignin structures, etc.) with the formation of new groups of humic-like compounds on their basis, which have high growth-stimulating activity. The total yield of biologically active compounds is up to 80% of the organic matter of peat.

"Hydrohumate" exhibits a high level of biological impact at low concentrations.

Active humic substances increase the permeability of cell membranes, activate metabolic processes, transport of nutrients, and cell respiration.

Information is posted in  Album of promising developments of the NAS of Belarus organizations for the real sector of the economy (2023), p. 204-206. (in Russian)
Advantages and Innovations
The use of the preparation in doses from 0.6 to 2 kg/ha increases seed germination, accelerates plant growth and development, provides a 10-30% increase in yield depending on the crop grown, improves rooting and engraftment of cuttings and seedlings. The use of the preparation allows you to activate the growth and development of plants; obtain environmentally friendly products with a higher content of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates; reduce the nitrate content in vegetables, root crops and green crops by 30-40% due to the intensification of nitrogen metabolism; increase plant resistance to adverse climatic conditions and man-made factors; increase plant immunity and reduce their incidence, reduce the dose of mineral fertilizers by 20-25%.

"Hydrohumate" belongs to substances of the 4th hazard class, i.e. it is classified as a low-hazard compound. It cannot cause acute poisoning by any route of penetration into the body. Non-flammable, fire- and explosion-proof.

The technology of production of the preparation "Hydrohumate" is based on chemical destruction of peat at elevated temperature and pressure, during which humic substances are activated and their biological activity increases in comparison with the humus components of the original peat.

The technology allows to transfer about 80% of organic substances of the original raw material to the target product, while the yield of humic preparations from peat raw materials according to known methods is no more than 50%. This has a positive effect on saving raw materials, equipment productivity, labor costs, consumption of reagents and energy resources, as well as the quality of the preparation, the concentration of its active substances.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Comments regarding stage of development
It is proposed to commercialize the production technology under a licensing agreement or sell the production technology under an agreement with the manufacturer.
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Patents granted
Secret know-how
Comments regarding IPS status
1. Method for producing a plant growth regulator: Patent No. 3424 Rep. of Belarus / G. V. Naumova, T. F. Ovchinnikova, N. A. Zhmakova [et al.]; Publication date: 2000.(in Russian)
2. Slow-acting complex fertilizer: Patent No. 3905 Rep. of Belarus / G. V. Pirogovskaya, E. G. Ilyina, I. M. Bogdevich [et al.]; Publication date: 2000.(in Russian)
3. Compositions for producing complex humate-containing microfertilizers for foliar feeding of rapeseed and corn: Patent No. 11552 Rep. of Belarus / G. V. Naumova, G. V. Pirogovskaya, V. V. Khatenovsky [et al.]; date of publication: 2008.(in Russian)
4. Nitrogen fertilizer with a biologically active additive that reduces the level of contamination of agricultural products with radionuclides and heavy metals and the method for obtaining it: patent EA 012339 / G. V. Pirogovskaya, I. M. Bogdevich, A. M. Rusalovich [et al.]; date of publication: 2009.(in Russian)
5. Liquid complex fertilizer with chelated forms of microelements: patent EA UA 34209 / G. V. Pirogovskaya, I. M. Bogdevich [et al.]; date of publication: 2011.(in Russian)
Sector group

Client information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
A.01.61 - Support activities for crop production
A.01.62 - Support activities for animal production
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Nature Management is one of the oldest institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, carrying out research in the field of Earth sciences. The activities of the Institute are aimed at solving the problems of rational nature management and environmental protection together with international organizations.

The Institute carries out research in the following areas:
- development of scientific bases of nature management and environmental protection;
- assessment, forecasting and optimization of anthropogenic impacts on natural complexes;
- scientific justification for the creation of resource-saving technologies for the extraction, processing and use of solid fossil fuels;
- study of the formation conditions and assessment of the state of fresh drinking and mineral waters;
- study of the geodynamics of the earth's crust and modern geological processes on the territory of Belarus;
- geoecological substantiation of the design and placement of especially critical structures and environmentally hazardous facilities (nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, underground gas storage facilities, high-toxic waste disposal sites, etc.);
- diagnostics of the state of the natural environment based on the use of modern aerospace, ground, telecommunications and information-measuring tools;
- study of the global and regional climate and its changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors; forecasting climate change and its consequences.

The Institute participates in the scientific support of 6 international conventions:
- Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution;
- Ramsar Convention on Wetlands;
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change;
- Stockholm Convention on POPs;
- UN Convention to Combat Desertification/Land Degradation;
- Convention on Biological Diversity.

The Institute has scientific contacts with organizations in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, China, the Baltic countries, Armenia, Vietnam.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
License agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing the technology for the production of the plant growth regulator "HYDROGUMATE" under a license agreement and/or a commercial agreement with technical assistance for organizing production.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


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Statistics since 05.12.2024 17:34:57