Belarus and China are holding a competition for joint scientific and technical projects for 2022-2023
The State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China are holding a competition for joint scientific and technical projects for 2022-2023.
Applications are accepted from 15 November to 23 December 2021 in the following priority areas:
- information and communication and interdisciplinary technologies,
- biological, medical, pharmaceutical, and chemical technologies and production,
- mechanical engineering and mechanical engineering technologies,
- instrument making and equipment manufacturing,
- innovative materials and technologies for their processing,
- agro-industrial and food technologies,
- optical technologies,
- microelectronic technologies.
Documents for the competition must contain a business plan prepared in accordance with the established procedure, written obligations of the state customer for the practical use of research and development results, and for equity participation in financing. Completed forms must be sent in the electronic form to the SCST through the IAS "Expertise".
The competition for joint scientific and technical projects is held in accordance with the protocol of the third meeting of the Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Belarusian-Chinese Intergovernmental Committee dated November 19, 2020.
Source of information: Internet portal of the SCST.
2021 11 SCST call China