A meeting of the scientific and editorial board on writing the National Business Platform of Belarus-2022 was held


On May 11, 2022, a meeting of the scientific and editorial board on writing the National Business Platform of Belarus-2022 (NBPB-2022) was held in a mixed format (offline and online).

In the meeting, which was held by the Chairman of the Supreme Coordinating Council of the Union of Legal Entities "Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship" Andrey Kopytok, took part Director of the RCTT Dr Alexander Uspenskiy.

The following issues were discussed at the meeting:

  • Approval of the composition of the scientific and editorial Council for writing NBPB-2022
  • Defining the name of NBPB-2022
  • Developing a concept for the structure of writing NBPB-2022
  • Preparation for a speech on the theme of NBPB - 2022 at the National Press Center.
