RCTT specialists successfully completed the professional education course "Innovation and Technology Commercialization Professional (ITCP)" at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)


From September 6 to December 15, 2022, two RCTT specialists have successfully completed the professional education course "Innovation and Technology Commercialization Professionals (ITCP)" at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA). 213 specialists from 12+ countries participated in the course.

On January 30, 2023, all students, who successfully passed the exam received certificates of completion.

The organizer and sponsor of the course was the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO), which unites scientific organizations from 60+ countries.

Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the top public research universities with nearly 40000 students who study in person at the main campus in Atlanta (USA), at Georgia Tech-Lorraine (France), at Georgia Tech-Shenzhen (China), as well as through distance and online learning.
