XXII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development of Informatization and the State system of Scientific and Technical Information" (RINTI-2023) was held
On November 16, 2023, at the Joint Institute of Computer Science Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIPI NAS of Belarus) the annual XXII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development of Informatization and the State system of Scientific and Technical Information" (RINTI-2023) was held.
The purpose of the conference is to analyze the state and problems of the development of informatization (digital transformation) of the economy, the social sphere, public administration and the system of scientific and technical information in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, the development of new approaches to scientific and methodological support for the development of informatization and the information society (IT countries , IT states), as well as the creation of information technologies and information infrastructure of Belarus, assistance in the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Informatization and the Information Society in the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2023.
The main directions of the conference:
- Scientific and methodological, informational, technological and legal support for the development of digital transformation.
- Automated systems of scientific and technical information, information support of scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities.
- Library and information systems and technologies.
- Social research on the digitalization of the economy and society.
- Artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies in informatization.
The conference was attended by First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus Dr Denis Korzhitsky and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of the NAS of Belarus Dr Alexander Shumilin.
At the breakout session #2 Director of the Republican Center for Technology Transfer Dr Alexander Uspenskiy made a presentation "New Internet tools for promoting developments, products and services provided by the Republican Center for Technology Transfer to organizations of the NAS of Belarus".
Program and other information about the conference on the website.
Conference proceedings can be found here (in Russian): 2021, 2022, 2023.
2023 11 UIIP RINTI conference proceedings